Today, Monday 12th October 2020, Ortak launch a brand new collection. Ran, designed by Laura Johnston is available online now. We caught up with Laura ahead of the launch to get some insight in to her design process and the inspiration behind the pieces:
"My interest in Scandinavian culture stems from my Dad's side of the family which my Uncle traced back to the Faroe Islands. I've always had an interest in local folklore and unusual stories. There are often similarities between Orcadian and Scandinavian folklore which, I would imagine, originates from our historical ties to Norway and Denmark.
I started looking into Norse mythology for a series of drawings, some of which have translated really well into jewellery designs. Being from an island community the story of Ràn, Ægir and the Nine Daughters felt like the most relatable story.
With the Gods and Goddesses seen as the personification of the natural elements I created representional pieces encompassing the individual traits. The Goddess Ràn is a natural personification of the sea. The ocean was often referred to as Ràn's Road, with sailors often praying to her husband Ægir, God of the Oceans for safe passage. She is known for capturing the lost souls of sailors in her net and dragging them down to spend eternity with her."